
Photo of All-on-4 Service

Niva Dental Specialists Provide Total Smile Restoration with All-on-4®

“I hate my dentures – they always slip and they look so fake!”

“Since I lost my teeth, I don’t like my smile”

“I’m tired of replacing teeth one at a time” 

Does this sound like you? If you are missing several lower or upper teeth, learning about All-on-4® dental implants might make you smile. The dental professionals at Niva Dental Specialists have helped many patients just like you experience a total smile restoration with All-on-4® implants. 

You are not alone

If you are missing all of your upper or lower teeth, you are not alone – more than 35 million Americans lack upper and lower teeth. Many of these Americans dream of permanently restored, fully function, and natural-looking smiles, but don’t realize there is an alternative to dentures. Now that you know about All-on-4® dental implants, this total mouth restoration may be the life-changing solution you have been looking for. 

What is All-on-4® Total Mouth Restoration?

All-on-4® is a state-of-the-art alternative to removable dentures. The treatment involves placing four metal rods, or dental implants, into precise locations within the jawbone. These implants, which are posts made from sturdy titanium, CrCO, or zirconia base, become a permanent part of the jawbone in a process known as osseointegration. The four posts completely support a full arch of upper or lower teeth; the arch fits snugly onto the posts for a permanent solution to missing teeth. We will provide you with a temporary arch during the osseointegration process, which takes a few months, and then place the permanent arch.

All-on-4® is revolutionary in that oral surgeons would have to place a dental implant for each missing tooth. This means patients would have to undergo several procedures to replace all of the teeth on their upper or lower jaws. All-on-4® dental implants require the placement of only four implants as the main anchors. All-on-4® implants are safe, secure, permanent, and best of all – natural-looking.

Benefits of All-on-4® Dental Implants

All-on-4® do more than just give you a dazzling smile. Benefits of All-on-4® implants include:

  • Never having to hide your smile
  • Eating your favorite foods 
  • Saying goodbye to fake-looking denture and their annoying problems, such as slipping
  • Enjoying natural-looking teeth that never slip and always hold up 

Is All-on-4® treatment painful?

Your comfort is a priority for every member of our team. We offer sedation dentistry, which is an approach that allows you to feel completely relaxed and pain-free through the treatment – some patients even fall asleep! During the first few hours after placement of the implants, you may experience some temporary sensitivity. 

How much does it cost?

All-on-4® implants cost vary in the United States, depending on your location and the type of material you choose for the permanent dentures. While this total smile restoration is an investment, the results are life-changing. 

The All-on-4® cost covers 3D x-rays, placement of the permanent implants, a full upper or lower arch, and a lifetime of smiles. For your convenience, we offer financing and a variety of other flexible payment options. 

Where can I get more information about All-on-4® dental implants near me?

For more information on All-on-4®, contact Niva Dental Specialists. Our doctor-owned and -operated group multispecialty practice want to help each of our patients smile more. We provide the All-on-4® Austin residents rely on for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Learn More About All-on-4®

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